Risks of Handling Bird Droppings

Risks of Handling Bird Droppings

Do you deal with a good amount of bird droppings daily? If so, maybe let our anti-bird spikes work its magic. Those who come into contact with the birds and their droppings should take standard health precautions to avoid the risks of catching diseases.

One way to avoid handling birds and unwanted bird droppings without calling the necessary specialist contractors are to install anti-bird spikes, it works wonders! However, when faced with bird droppings, it is important to carry out the cleanups safely. As these bird droppings carry a lot of infections and diseases, it is important to take safety precautions to avoid health risks as much as possible.

How can cleaning up bird droppings be a risk to our health? When scraping and removing the dry droppings during the cleanups, we tend to breathe in the dry particles that will become airborne. There is a risk of catching diseases such as histoplasmosis; an infection caused by breathing in spores or fungus often found in bird droppings, psittacosis; a flu-like illness, and even Salmonella causing diarrhea to one.  One way to reduce the inhalation of these particles is to wet or dampen down the droppings before their removal or even better, use a regular dust mask because taking more safety precautions does not hurt right? This way, it reduces the risk of inhalation of dust particles and reduces the risk of catching any sort of disease.

If contracted any of these diseases, several symptoms include joint and muscle pains, headaches, fever, flu-like symptoms, dry cough, and shortness of breath. If you are exposed to bird droppings for quite some time and are developing any sort of symptoms stated, even if it may not seem serious, it is better to contact a doctor to treat it.

Ultimately, installing anti-bird spikes would be the most effective and humane way to control these birds from roosting on your property. Having fewer birds roosting means having less to deal with bird droppings! These anti-bird spikes block their feet from reaching the surface and prevent them from roosting. By installing the anti-bird spikes, there would be fewer droppings and reduces the cleanup times. With just two simple steps, you’re off to go! It is as easy as simply purchasing our anti-bird spikes and installing them with cable ties, adhesive glue or screws.

Want to stop cleaning up after bird droppings and is keen to purchase anti-bird spikes? Head over to STG Industrial’s online store to get your anti-bird spikes and keep your property away from being damaged by birds!

For more details of STG Anti-bird spikes, please refer to https://www.stgindustrials.com/shop/bird-spikes

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