Tag - COVID-19

Face Shield Is Very Effective Against Coronavirus

Wearing a face cover or face shield has officially become the new normal. People are empowered, and sometimes even required, to wear them when they're around others out in public to help prevent the spread of COVID-19, the respiratory disease brought about by the novel coronavirus. Be that as it may, presently, another face covering is increasing some consideration: face shields. Face shields are a layer of clear plastic that is fastened at the brow head-band style. The actual plastic...


How Can Sanitizing Mat Help Fight Against COVID-19 Virus

The world is busy fighting its battle against the new pandemic titled COVID-19 Virus, but despite all kinds of preventive measures, it is spreading across the globe infecting millions of people. However, now the governments are bound to open up their businesses as the economic situation of the world is getting worse. As the world is ready to get out of its months-long lockdown, we have to think of ways to stay protected. So, this is the time to change...

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