The benefits of distilled water

The benefits of distilled water

What’s in the water you drink?

Fluoride, also known as hexafluorosilicic acid (HFSA), is a colourless fuming liquid with a pungent odour. It is by-product of the fertiliser industry. This untreated industrials waste product has been added to the public water supply in some countries. This acid is corrosive to metals and tissue and is biologically active in the human body. Fluoride accumulates in the body tissue, wreaks havoc with enzymes and cause neurological and endocrine dysfunction. Prolonged fluoride ingestion causes reduced intelligence, osteoporosis, dementia and even cancer. Studies have shown fluoride toxicity can lead to genetic damage and cell death, arthritic symptoms, impaired thyroid function, increased tutor and cancer growth, brain damage, lowered IQ and demential, crippling skeletal fluorosis and bone fractures, chronic fatigue, muscle disorders and inactivation of 62 enzymes.

Chlorine, in one form or another, is by far the most often used chemical for water supply disinfection. It is used to control algal, bacterial, and general slime growths in treatment plants and pipe works. Chlorine is a remover of iron, manganese, colour, taste and odour. Because chlorine is so powerful as a disinfectant, it can be harmful if ingested in excess. While chlorine will kill some of the harmful bacteria in your gut, it will also kill the beneficial bacteria. When chlorine mixes with other organic compounds it can create harmful byproducts such as trihalomethane (THMS) which has been linked to kidney problems and increased cancer risk, and haloacetic acids (HAAs) which cause skin irritations and increased cancer risk.

Distilled water is the best uncontaminated health drink

Distilled water does not contain minerals, which aids in natural detoxification, thus enhancing the immune function, brain function, cardiovascular function, blood circulation, and preventing fluid retention. Drinking distilled water quenched thirst more than drinking bottled water as it is more hydrating. Adding distilled water to your diet cleanses your system of the crap from the bad additives in food such as dyes and preservatives. Distilled water is best when it comes to flushing out toxins and heavy metals from the body. Athletes and body builders drink distilled water to stay in tip-top condition and to maximise their workouts.

Distilled water for cleaning

Distilled water is a common tool used in the medical field to sanitise and sterilise materials. Washing your face or toning it with distilled water can improve your skin condition. It can absorb impurities and soap residue from facial cleanser without aggravating sensitive skin. It is a wonderful alternative to chemical-laden beauty products. Your skin will feel clean and soothed with distilled water.

Where can I buy a water distiller in Singapore?

You can buy a water distiller at 

Prices start from S$159.00 for a 4-litre water distiller.

While stocks last!

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